Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Skin Series: Part 1

I decided to start a little, novel, a series of blogs about skin care. Starting with how to pick products out, how to apply them and when is the most crucial time to start a new regimen. It's going to be about 8 parts, so stay tuned!

  • Knowing your skin
Knowing what your skin likes and doesn't like is probably already in the back of your mind, as an example, I can't drink Dr.Pepper, or my face breaks out. A good way to start is to look at all the products in your cabinet that haven't worked for you. Check the ingredients and see if they have some in common. Maybe your skin doesn't like Salicylic Acid. Knowing the things your skin reacts to is key in picking products that are going to change your skin for the better. Here is a great test to find your skin type.

  • Allergies
Anything that you are allergic to on the inside will show on the outside. Whey and dairy are some of my big allergies, so I know when I have a Babybell or a cheese stick, my skin is going to act up. Here is a good article on figuring out if you have a food allergy. Topical allergies are very different, most times it will be up to trial and error. Become a scientist, do spot tests, either in the department stores, or in drugstores. Find a good return policy and stick with that store until you have a basis. It's all about saving money, so you can spend it on things you know you're going to use. 

  • What do you want from your skin?
Deciding what you want from your skin can help a ton when you walk into the drugstore and look at that overwhelming wall of products. Are you young, and looking for preventative products? Are you suffering from dark spots, or acne? (I'll have to do a full post on acne but for now, here is the basics) Do you have mature skin? Make a list of all the things you want to improve on, and then do your research! Knowing how and why ingredients work the way they do, will give you a larger outlook on products.

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